Access to Essential Medicines: Lessons Learned Since the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health and Policy Options for the European Union - Cloned

Frederick M. Abbott and Jerome H. Reichman, Access to Essential Medicines: Lessons Learned Since the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, and Policy Options for the European Union, EXPO/B/INTA/2007/14, PE 381.392, June 2007; European Parliament 2007/European Communities 2007

The study evaluates the impact of the TRIPS agreement on access to medicines in developing countries and analyses the evolving legal framework. Special emphasis is given to the issue of compulsory licensing, including recent cases in Brazil and Thailand. The EU's own implementing regulation is also presented, as well as the considerations for any TRIPS-related provisions in bilateral trade agreements of the EU and the US. The TRIPS agreement and its amendment are discussed in light of the various public health, commercial, legal and economic considerations and interests. The study also sets out conclusions and concrete recommendations to improve the overall framework of the TRIPS agreement and access to medicines.